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Item Description
8.5x10.75" catalog w/24 pages (including covers). ©1955 Kagran Corp. Catalog is filled w/all sorts of Howdy Doody merchandise, including many rare and classic items. Highlights include - Silverware Educator Set, Liberty metal lunchbox, marionettes, hand puppets, magic slates, swing set, records, baby toys, sailor hat, comic books, Golden Books, shoes, Zippy the Chimp and Windy the Dog plushes, Magic Toy Watch, Howdy Doody's General Store playhouse, ukulele, costumes, Phonodoodle phonograph, Castle Films home movies, Electric Doodler game, inflatable pool toys, Ingraham wrist watch, puzzles, color/paint sets, craft sets, nightlight and much more. Catalog also notes Howdy Doody products and products using Howdy Doody to advertise. Some of these include - Burry's Howdy Doody Cookies, fruits and vegetables, Kellogg's Rice Krispies, Royal pudding, Welch's Grape Juice, Campbell's soups, Poll Parrot Shoes, Wonder Bread, Blue Bonnet Oleomargarine, Colgate toothpaste, etc. Pinch creases to spine and some lt. scattered handling wear, but VF overall. The 1955 Howdy Doody catalog was reprinted in the 1980s and most seen are from this later printing. This is a very rare original printing, file copy example. The ultimate reference guide for the merchandise that was available. This is the actual example shown in "The Official Price Guide To Pop Culture Memorabilia" by Ted Hake and comes with COA.